Port Description:
Location: Marsa al Hariga is situated 1nm SSW of Tobruk Point.
General overview:
The oil terminal consists of 2 jetty berths.
Load Line zone: Summer.
Max size: Largest vessel handled: Max LOA 335m; max draft 18.3m.
ETA’s: Vessels ETA should be sent 72 hours prior to arrival, to the agent and terminal. The message should include the vessel details, owners name, loading rate and quantity of ballast.
Radio: VHF: Via Tobruk Radio callsign "5AL". The Terminal Office keeps a constant listening watch on VHF ch 16.
Pilot: Compulsory, carried out by Mooring Master employed by the oil company. Pilot will
board vessel from a tug, 1nm NE of the outer buoy. Helicopter pilotage
arrangements are not possible.
Tidal range and flow: Range 0.6m. The tidal level is practically constant and currents within
the harbour are slight.
Dock density: 1026.
Weather: Prevailing
winds: N’ly.
Charts: BA 3355, 3657. Admiralty Pilot NP49.
Restrictions: Deep draft vessels should avoid navigation NW of the leading line from Marsa to Esc-Sciausc, due to the presence of shoal water off Tobruk Point.
Berthing is restricted to a max wind force of 22kn and swell up to 0.9m.
Tugs: There are 2 x 25t bollard pull tugs available, Inqadz 1 and 2.
Names/Nos: Tanker berths: The "T"-shaped jetty is 800m in length and connected to the shore by a 200m arm. Two berthing faces of 30m each are provided, depth alongside 18.3m.
Loading takes place through 4 x 16in Woodfield loading arms at a rate of 8,000tph.
Brega Jetty: A product jetty situated W of Marsa al Hariga Jetty No 2. The jetty can
accommodate tankers up to 35,000dwt, LOA 190m draft 9.1m.
Ballast/slop reception: There are ballast facilities available, slops are not accepted..
Medical facilities: Available.
Transport: Nearest airport: Naser, 20km.
Working hours:Throughout 24 hours.
Port Authority
General Maritime Transport & Ports Organisation
Marsa Al Hariga PO Box 65
Tobruk – Libya
Tel: +218 87 24577 Fax: +218 61 29006 Telex: 40033
Contact: Mr AGK Emraif, Port Manager