Port Descreption:
Location: Tobruk is situated in eastern Libya, near the Egyptian border.
General overview:Traffic figures: Approx 120 ships visit the port annually.
Load Line zone:
Radio: Via Tobruk radio (call sign "5AL").
VHF: VHF ch 16, 12 and 19.
General notices
Sea buoys, fairways and channels: The entrance to Mina Tubruq lies between Tobruk point (Lat 32°04’N, Long 024°01’E) and the E entrance point of Marsa Ummash Shawush, an inlet, 4 cables in length lying 1.25nm SSE.
Approach with Tobruk point light in line with the German war memorial bearing 237.75°. A deep draft vessel should, when 4nm distant from Tobruk point, should alter course on the alignment (224.75°) of the 2 leading light beacons (metal framework towers, white
diamond top marks) situated on the W side of Marsa Umm ash Shawush. Take care not to get NW of this alignment which carries a depth of not less than 18.3m until in the vicinity of Outer light buoy (1nm SE of Tobruk point).
Deep draft vessels should pass S of fairway lightbuoy (5 cables S of Tobruk point). It has been reported that a depth of 16.8m was found 078° distance 2nm from Tobruk point, close to the 224.75° leading line.
Vessels of a lesser draft bound for the anchorage or the town quays may enter Mina Tubruq on the alignment 224.5° of the 2 leading beacons (poles, black diamond top marks with white stripes) situated 1nm SSW of Tobruk point. This leads in depths not less than 11m to Fairway light buoy, whence course may be altered to go up harbour. The leading beacons may be difficult to distinguish.
Pilot: Compulsory. Pilot boards off the Fairway buoy during daylight hours only.
Anchorages: There are 10 anchorages capable of taking up to 6 vessels at a time in depths of 13.8m.
The outer anchorage area is for vessels awaiting a berth. It lies between the parallels of Lat 32°03.7’N and Lat 32°05.5’N, and between the meridians of Long 024°02’E and Long 024°03’E.
The inner anchorage is at the bottom of Mina Tubruq and is sandy with patches of weed. This makes anchors liable to drag. The anchorage area W of a line joining Tobruk point and Minqar al Hariqah (1nm SW) is clear of obstructions, but debris projecting up to 0.6m from the bottom still exists in places.
The best anchorage for large vessels is approx 9 cables WSW of Tobruk point, in a depth of approx 15m, sand and weed, fairly good holding ground, but with strong E winds a heavy swell is experienced. Small vessels anchor nearer the head of the harbour.
All vessels must anchor as instructed by the port authority, and must not shift berth except on the instruction of the port authority.
Tidal range and flow: Range 0.3m.
Dock density: 1025.
Weather: Prevailing winds: N’ly. Principal navigation aids: Mina Tubruq light (metal framework tower on a black and white chequered building) (Lat 32°05.3’N, Long 023°59.4’E) is exhibited 1.25nm NW of Tobruk point.
Charts: 3657, 3355. Admiralty Pilot NP49.
Tugs: There are 3 tugs available.
Names/Nos:Inner Harbour: There are 2 jetties one has a length 125m, depth 9.0m, the other has a length of 175m with a depth of 5.0m alongside.
Repairs: Limited facilities.
Bunkering: Limited quantities of fuel oil available.
Medical facilities: There is a hospital in the town.
Transport: Nearest airport: El Abdm 20km.
Public holidays:Mar 8, May 25, Jun 11, Jul 23, Sep 1, Oct 7. El Mouled El Nabawi, Aid el Fitr, Aid el Adha
Fridays are weekly port holidays.
hours:Normally 0800-1700.
Port Authority- General Ports & Lights Authority
Harbour Office Tobruk – Libya –
Tel: +218 87 2196