General overview:
Location: Zueitina is situated approx 130km S of Benghazi.
Zueitina consists of offshore loading berths for oil tankers and LPG carriers. The main cargoes handled are crude oil, naphtha, butane and propane.
The LPG berth, because of its location, experiences different weather conditions and may be closed due to swell conditions, when the crude berths are open.
Traffic figures: Approx 270 vessels are handled annually.
Load Line zone: Summer.
Max size: LPG carriers LOA 160m, draft 8.7m and oil tankers up to 270,000dwt can be accommodated.
Sea buoys, fairways and channels: The approach to Zueitina is marked by a light float moored approx 3.5nm NW of Scogli reef. Min channel depth is 18.3m.
Pilot: Compulsory. The Mooring
Master boards vessels near the Fairway buoy or within the anchorage area, centered on position Lat 30°55’N, Long 020°01.1’E and remains on board throughout the loading operation.
Anchorages: As advised by the Mooring Master or Marine Superintendent. Vessels awaiting a berth, anchor approx 1nm SE of the light float in depths of approx 30.0m. Holding ground is moderate to poor. During the winter strong NW’ly gales may set up heavy seas and swells, which may make the berths become untenable.
Prohibited anchorage is in the approaches to the oil loading berths and vessels should not anchor S of Lat 30°54’N.
Tidal range and flow: Range 0.3m.
Dock density: 1026.
Weather: Prevailing winds: N’ly.
Principal navigation aids: Az Zueitina oil terminal lightfloat (white hull, black tower, Lat 30°56’N, Long 020°00’E).
A DF radio station with a range of 100nm, working on 369kHz is available.
Charts: BA 3346, 3354. Admiralty Pilot NP49.
Tugs: There is 1 x 4,600hp tug available. Also mooring launches can assist with berthing.
Mooring information: Ships advised on berthing requirements prior to arrival on VHF ch 13.
Tanker berths: There are 5 offshore crude oil loading berths.
Berth Notes
A. SPM closed, now marked by navigational buoy Fl (Mo’A’) W5s.
B.Conventional buoy mooring situated approx 2.5nm offshore in depths of approx 21.9m. Vessels moor heading approx 313°, using both anchors forward and tying up to 5 mooring buoys aft (vessels require a min of 9 shackles on each anchor). Loading takes place through a submarine pipeline (42in diameter) and 2 x 12in hose connections. Loading rate 32,000-36,000bbls/hr.
C. SPM approx 3nm offshore in depths of approx 30.5m. Served by a 48in submarine pipeline and 2 x 12in hose connections.
D. Conventional buoy mooring situated approx 2.5nm offshore in depths of approx 26.8m. Vessels moor, heading approx 313° using both anchors forward and tying up to 5 mooring buoys aft (vessels require a min of 9 shackles on each anchor). Served by a 42in submarine pipeline with loading taking place through a 12in hose connection. Loading rate 15,000-20,000bbls/hr. Dedicated ‘Naphtha’ berth.
E. SPM situated approx 3nm offshore in depths of approx 25m. Served by a 42in submarine pipeline, loading taking place through 2 x 12in hose connections. Loading rate 32,000- 36,000bbls/hr. Temporarily closed, header marked by navigational buoy Fl (Mo’E’) W5secs.
LPG Terminal: Situated inside the Tre Scogli reef, SSW of the small craft harbour. The berth consists of a trestle projecting from the end of the small craft harbour sea wall, at the end of which is a loading platform with a breasting dolphin on each side. There are 6 mooring dolphins provided, vessels berth starboard side to using the port anchor. Vessels up to 160m LOA and max draft 8.7m can be accommodated having a cargo capacity of approx 32,000m3. Loading takes place through a single loading line at a rate of around 3,000bbls/hr.
Barges: There are no barges available.
Ballast/slop reception: All ships must have clean ballast.
Security: Security is generally good.
Port Authority- Port Towage – Zueitina Oil Co
Sidi Issa Street – PO Box 2134
Tripoli – Libya –
Tel: +218 21 333 8011
Fax: +218 21 333 9109 – Telex: 20289 ZUELY
Contact: Mr M Oun, Operations Manager– Libya – Tel: +218 61 92017